Berkeley University

Berkeley University

26 Course
What you'll learn

What you'll learn

  • The basic properties and intent of centralized/decentralized currency and an in-depth understanding of Bitcoin from the ground up, including - Identity, Transactions, Record Keeping, and Consensus.
  • The roots of Bitcoin in the Cypherpunk movement and Libertarian ideals, and the revolutionary significance of Bitcoin as opposed to some of its early predecessors.
  • The mechanics behind Bitcoin, such as the Bitcoin network, cryptography and cryptographic hash functions, Bitcoin Script, privacy, and hash commitment schemes.
  • Real-world aspects of Bitcoin, such as wallets, wallet mechanics, mining, transactions, and Bitcoin governance and the various ways one can interface with the Bitcoin network.
  • How to destroy Bitcoin, including various network attacks.
  • The properties behind the second largest blockchain platform, Ethereum, including the Ethereum Virtual Machine and the idea of Turing completeness, the key protocol differences between Bitcoin and Ethereum, the use cases of Ethereum.

Bitcoin and Cryptocurrencies from Berkeley University

What you'll learn

What you'll learn

  • Refine persuasive writing techniques and essay development
  • Gain skills for proofreading, self-editing, revision, tone, and vocabulary
  • Develop strong English-language writing and communication skills

Academic and Business Writing from Berkeley University

What you'll learn

What you'll learn

  • Basic grammar terminology and understanding
  • How to write effective sentences and paragraphs
  • How to tackle writing introductions and conclusions
  • Strategies for writing longer texts and thesis statements

How to Write an Essay from Berkeley University

What you'll learn

What you'll learn

  • What happiness really means and why it matters to you
  • How to increase your own happiness and foster happiness in others
  • Why social connections, kindness, and community are key to happiness
  • Which mental habits are most conducive to happiness and how mindfulness can help

The Science of Happiness from Berkeley University

What you'll learn

What you'll learn

  • A formal definition of distributed consensus and foundational topics such as the CAP Theorem and the Byzantine Generals Problem.
  • The alternative consensus mechanisms to Bitcoin’s Proof-of-work, including Proof-of-Stake, voting-based consensus algorithms, and federated consensus.
  • The meaning and properties of cryptoeconomics as it relates to its two compositional fields: cryptography and economics, as well as the goals for cryptoeconomics with respect to distributed systems fundamentals
  • The various enterprise-level blockchain implementations, such as JP Morgan’s Quorum, Ripple, Tendermint, and HyperLedger, including the industry use cases for blockchain, ICOs, and the increasing regulations surrounding blockchain.
  • The challenges with scaling and obstacles to widespread blockchain adoption, as well as the possible solutions within vertical scaling  (e.g. blocksize increases, Segregated Witness, and the Lightning Network) and horizontal scaling (e.g. sidechains, sharding).
  • The measures that governments have taken to regulate and control blockchain technology e.g. Anti-Money Laundering (AML) and Know Your Customer (KYC) regulations, anonymity goals, and government techniques for deanonymization of entities on blockchain.
  • An exploratory look into blockchain ventures today, such as venture capitalism, ICOs, and crowdfunding.

Blockchain Technology from Berkeley University

  1 lesson
What you'll learn

What you'll learn

  • Understand current issues facing journalists globally
  • Improve your English vocabulary and grammar in order to write more effective stories
  • Communicate more effectively with others in interviews and reports
  • Understand issues of ethics, equality, and fairness as they apply to journalism

English for Journalists, Part 1 from Berkeley University

What you'll learn

What you'll learn

  • The personal, social, and professional advantages of happiness at work
  • How to identify barriers and pitfalls to achieving happiness at work
  • A series of research-backed, practical ways to boost happiness at work
  • Strategies for evaluating levels of happiness within an organization

The Foundations of Happiness at Work from Berkeley University

What you'll learn

What you'll learn

In this part of the course, you’ll learn:
  • How to read and interpret great works of fiction
  • Cultural and historical background of gothic literature
  • Academic writing skills
  • Test-taking strategies

AP® English Literature & Composition – Part 1: Stories from Berkeley University

What you'll learn

What you'll learn

  • Discover the psychological and biological roots of empathy, trust, and cooperation
  • Understand how the skills of emotional and social intelligence support organizational happiness and productivity
  • Develop research-based strategies for strengthening empathy and resolving conflicts constructively
  • Learn how to lead with social intelligence

Empathy and Emotional Intelligence at Work from Berkeley University

What you'll learn

What you'll learn

  • Basics of the Python programming language, and how to use it as a tool for data analysis
  • Tools widely used by industry and academic data scientists, such as Jupyter Notebooks
  • How to use computation to help your data tell a story
  • Fundamental principles and methods of visualization

Data Science: Computational Thinking with Python from Berkeley University

What you'll learn

What you'll learn

  • How stress can impair our performance and well-being at work, and harm organizations
  • The differences between healthy and toxic stress, and how to leverage healthy stress for success
  • The benefits of mindfulness for helping you build resilience to stress, as well as innovation and team spirit at work
  • Research-based strategies for cultivating mindfulness within yourself and your organization

Mindfulness and Resilience to Stress at Work from Berkeley University

What you'll learn

What you'll learn

  • Fundamental concepts of machine learning
  • Linear regression, correlation, and the phenomenon of regression to the mean
  • Classification using the k-nearest neighbors algorithm
  • How to compare and evaluate the accuracy of machine learning models
  • Basic probability and Bayes’ theorem

Data Science: Machine Learning and Predictions from Berkeley University